SS2008BW US History B Web T2

Social Studies

SS2008BW US History B Web T2

Course description:

The course in United States History is divided into two parts: American history before and since 1900. The first half is an interdisciplinary approach involving the social, political, and economic development of the U.S. from colonization through industrialization. The second half will allow students to examine the evolution of society over time and the major events of the twentieth century that triggered those changes. The goal is to foster an appreciation for the history and culture of the nation in which they live. 

The study of these eras will facilitate students* development of: 

* An information base in history. 

* An ability to make connections with previous learning. 

* An ability to analyze cause-effect relationships. 

* An ability to communicate different interpretations of history. 

* An ability to recognize the nature of change and continuity as forces in our society. 

* An ability to develop an individual identity and worldview. 

Students will illustrate the influence of diverse ideals or beliefs on a theme or an event in the historical development of the United States.

This course meets at a regular time.